The President of ECNWM, Mr. Qyra was invited to the IBU Career Week – Calls for strengthening cooperation between educational institutions and the business sector to prevent the emigration of the youth
President Qyra was invited to the opening of the “Career Week” event, organized by the International Balkan University. This event aims to provide a platform for students to explore employment opportunities by connecting with local companies offering employment and internships.
He said that educational institutions and businesses are two main pillars for a bright future and that by making specific proposals and requests to state institutions, this will contribute to the prevention of emigration.
“ECNWM has been working for a year now with regard to human resources in deficit for the free labor market, and here it should be mentioned that about 790 thousand belong to active population , from which 680 thousand are in a regular employment relationship, while about 103 thousand are shown to the employment agency as population that are actively seeking employment , while the business sector is looking for about 25 thousand workers”, said President Qyra. Among other things, he mentioned that the minimum net salary should be increased up to 30,000 denars, while the state should not increase the contributions, but they should reduce them to 32% from the net salary.
Also, he stated that the work efficiency of the workforce should be increased, in order to create an even greater possibility of increasing the benefits to them in the private sector. The chamber requires proactivity from the relevant factors that influence the emigration of newly graduated students, who will grow professionally in foreign countries, leaving their country’s development steps behind.
Many ECNWM member companies were also present at this event, such as: Dauti Komerc, Sparkasse Banka, Slice, BE-DA Logistics, EVN, Halk Bank, Maliqi Group and NLB Banka.