Platform for Public-Private Dialogue
Dear members of ECNWM,
The Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia in July assumed the chairmanship of the Platform for Public-Private Dialogue between the Chambers of Commerce and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The Platform for Public-Private Dialogue was created in response to the needs and requirements for representing companies in talks with the Government of the Republic of Macedonia to improve the business climate and participate in the process of adopting new legal solutions and applying solutions. best for current laws that concern companies.
The ECNWM will chair the Platform for six months, respectively by the end of 2019. The joint platform for Public-Private Dialogue includes the four largest chambers in the country, the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia; Macedonian Economic Chamber; Economic Chamber of Information and Communication Technology – MASIT; and the Association of Macedonian Economic Chamber.
With the guidance of this Platform, ECNWM along with other partners will enable the business community to be heard by the relevant institutions. During the chairmanship of the platform, two meetings are planned to be held with the Ministers of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, where policy documents developed based on the problems identified with the companies will be discussed. Therefore, the ECNWM appeals to its members that the problems faced by companies with legal regulation be addressed to the ECNWM, where these problems will then be developed into policy documents and forwarded to the relevant institutions.
You can write all your problems at our email address:
Thank you for your cooperation!
With respect,
Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia.