Mr. Drilon Iseni-Strategy for equal development, only on paper

We have laws and strategies for equitable regional development, but practice is showing that they are not working properly and 100 million euros are not allocated for this purpose.
“In this aspect, it is problematic that the Law on Equal Regional Development is not being implemented and 1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product is not being allocated. A maximum of 9 million euros have been allocated, which is not even 10 percent of the amount defined as a legal obligation. Another problem is the lack of population census that will verify population data in terms of demographics, and will serve to define the economic strategy and development of the state “- said Mr. Drilon Iseni, Executive Director of ECNWM.
The full statement can be found at the following link:

NGEC ZHVILLIMI RAJONAL! Strategjia në letër për zhvillimin e barabartë