Training on “Negotiations in business”
The last training on “Business Negotiations” was held today as part of the Post Covid-19 transformative program of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, supported by the USAID Business Ecosystem Project. The training was attended by companies’ part of the program, the professional trainer Mr. Lulzim Adili and representatives of ECNWM, who were involved in the discussion with the companies.
During this training, participants were closely acquainted with the negotiation process. This is an aspect on which the success of the whole business depends. It is also very important when negotiating to be able to enter into a deal that will open up space for the company to work. The ability to negotiate a more favorable contract is essential for the successful operation and continued growth of the company. ECNWM will always be available to companies, always helping them to transform and continue with the successful running of companies.