During this period, the economy of our country and beyond was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, thus complicating the activity of many businesses. This period has influenced companies to go through major challenges and seek solutions on how to deal with difficulties. The Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia comes to the rescue in a way that will enable 15 micro and small companies to adapt to the new post-COVID-19 reality.

ECNWM announces a call for: Post Covid-19 transformative program for 15 micro and small companies. This program will be implemented through the USAID Business Ecosystem  Project – “Unleashing Job Creation Opportunities for MSMEs in North Macedonia 2.0”.

The first 15 micro and small companies that will be presented will benefit:

  • 1 year free membership in ECNWM;
  • Business plan for your company;
  • Training and mentoring;
  • Inclusion to the supply chain of ECNWM with over 2000 members;
  • Free promotional videos.

Hurry up and book a place for your company by applying at the e-mail address as well as at tel.numb. 078-327-893!