Scope of Work
Project: “Unleashing Job Creation Opportunities for MSMEs in Macedonia” – from Business Ecosystem Project by USAID, implemented by Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia
Issuance Date: November 14th, 2018 16:00 hours
Full Application Closing Date: November 30, 2018 16:00 hours
Subject: Request for offers for digital B2B platform of Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia
Dear Prospective Applicants,
Based on your previous expertise and knowledge of IT skills as well your familiarity with the sector, the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia has identified and selected you as a potential applicant for a position described below and gladly invites you to express interest and apply for this engagement.
Submission requirements
Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting:
- Letter of interest (up to 500 words) including specific knowledge and past experience on similar duties and processes
- Proposed methodology and timeline
- Financial offer
Interested applicants are requested to submit these documents no later than November 30, 2018, 16:00 via email to anilaejupi@oemvp.org in PDF format.
Evaluation and selection process
Any award to be made will be based on the applicant’s proposal with appropriate consideration given to the required qualifications, technical deliverables, cost, and management requirements.
Technical specification of the new web-page:
- HOME PAGE must contain these modules and has to be divided in these parts:
- Menu links: Home, Members, Offers, Requests, Events, Publications, Register, Contact, about the project, Languages EN, MK, AL.
- Search module: To search for companies based on the appearance of companies, if minimum 3 characters are filled, will appear suggestions of the companies of the first 3 characters.
- Categories of Companies: It is preferred to be designed with various icons and highlight colors, where each category will be linked to the relevant pages where the members listed in that category (activity) will be displayed.
- Offer Module: In this section will appear the offers published by members with data such as Photo, Description, Title, Date, Activity where the member belongs, Price where if the member is logged in the system has access to this information, on the contrary only text appears. The price appears only for members logged in the system.
- Request Form: In this section will appear the requests published by the members with data such as Photo, Description, Title, Date, Activity where the member belongs, Price where if the member is logged in the system has access to this information, on the contrary only text appears. The price appears only for members logged in the system.
- Featured Companies Module: The list of companies will appear with the logo and “Featured”, if the company has applied for marketing by selecting the offers that will enable and deliver the project.
- Event Module: In this section only the site administrator will be able to publish Events such as Photos, Description, Hours, Date, Place, Organizer. There should be a “click for more” option where a new page will open to show all the details.
- Module Announcement: Module administered by the administrator where various publications and content such as Photos, Title, Description and “click for more” will appear, where a new page will open to show all the details.
- Advertising Module: Here the administrator will decide on the different ads. The limit should not be limited, it should allow some position to place the ads as well as the same appear until the time / date set by the site administrator.
- Footer Module 1: To enable display of partner logos with links to web pages or their information on our web.
- Footer 2 Module 2: Must contain links for: Information about the Project, Copyright, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, All project links located in the Menu, project release year, version, Current Year, as well as opportunity to change or place other links as needed.
- HOME PAGE must contain these modules and has to be divided in these parts:
1.2. Members Page:
1.2.1. All companies will appear, on the left side there should be a filtering module for companies based on the category module (must show all active categories), the location module (must show all active locations), multifunctional filtering which means selecting some activities or locations, also include Select All that should play the general role in that location or activity that are active at that location or the opposite.
1.2.2. The module showing all the companies should appear in this form and with the following information: Logo, Company name, Slogan, Activity (icon), and link for more.
1.3. Members View Page:
1.3.1. Members View Page contains all the important data of a company.
1.3.2 Logo – Company Logo
- Name – Company Name
- Slogan – Company Slogan
1.3.5. Description – Description of the company with non-limited text and containing data about the company and other data set by the member itself.
1.3.6. Certificate, License, or Rewards Available – Where it can Publish a list of textual data and photo formats as independent or attached.
1.3.7. Locations – Company locations with data as their principal address, as well as a map appearing from Google Maps and locations with other addresses if needed for the company and is present at those locations.
1.3.8. Gallery – Various pictures.
1.3.9. Products – Products which offers the company.
1.3.10. Offers – Offers published by the company in this section will show the offers published by the member with data such as Photo, Description, Title, Date, price where if the member is logged in the system has access to this information, otherwise it appears only text. The price is only displayed for the members logged in the system, the Link for more that sends to the general data of the offer.
1.3.11. Requests – Requests published by the company in this section will be displayed the requests published by the member with data such as Photo, Description, Title, Date, where if the member is logged in the system has access to this information, otherwise only text appears only for members logged to the system, link for more that sends to the general data of the request.
1.3.12. Contact – Company contact information: Contact numbers, Email addresses etc.
1.3.13. Social Networks – Links to Social Networks featured with icons.
1.4. Offers Page
1.4.1. All offers appear, on the left side the module must be placed based on the category module (all active categories should be displayed), the location module (should show all active locations), filtering must be multifunctional which means selecting some activities or locations, also should include Select All that should play the general role in that location or activity that is active at that location or the opposite.
1.4.2. The module showing all offers must be presented in this form and with the following data: Logo, Company name, photo of the offer, Activity (icon), offer expiry date, price where if the member is logged in the system has access to that information, on the contrary only appears the text. Price is displayed only for the members logged in the system and the link for more.
1.5. Offer View Page
1.5.1. The Offer View Page contains all the imporant data of a company.
1.5.2 Logo – Company Logo
1.5.3 Name – Company Name
1.5.4. Information / Description – The descriptive text about the offer
1.5.5 Photo – Photo of the offer,
1.5.6 Expiration Date – Date till when the offer is valid
1.5.7 Price – The price is only displayed for members logged in the system otherwise the text. The price is displayed only for the members.
1.5.8 View this Company – Link to Company Profile
1.6. Requests Page
1.6.1. All requests are displayed, on the left side the filtering module must be set based on the category module (must show all active categories), the location module (must show all active locations), filtering must be multifunctional which means selecting some activities or locations, also including Select All that should play the general role in that location or activity that is active at that location or the opposite.
1.6.2. The module showing all the requests should be presented in this form and with the following information: Logo, Company name, request picture, Activity (icon), Expiration date of the request and the link for more.
1.7. Request View Page
1.7.1. The Request View Page contains all the important data of a company.
1.7.2. Logo – Company Logo
1.7.3. Name – Company Name
1.7.4. Information / Description – The descriptive text about the request
1.7.5. Photo – Photo of request,
1.7.6. Expiration Date – Date till when the request is valid
1.7.7. View this Company – Link to Company Profile
1.8. Events Page
1.8.1. In this section only the site administrator will be able to publish Events with contents such as Photo, Description, Hour, Date, Place, Organizer. There should be a “click for more” option where a new page will appear to show all the details.
1.9. Event View Page
1.9.1. Events with content such as Photo, Description, Hour, Date, Place, Organizer, Detailed Description and other useful data.
1.10. Publications Page (Announcements)
1.10.1. Module Announcement: Module administered by the administrator where various publications and content such as Photos, Title, Description and “click for more” will appear, where a new page will appear to show all the details.
1.11. Publication Page (Detailed Announcement)
1.11.1. Must contain Photo, Title, Description, Different Documents. Should not have a limit on the total number of documents, the opportunity to place video material or Embed Code from other sites, release date, and other relevant information.
1.12. Voting System – Different polling system with several kinds of answers where the visitor can choose one of them.
2.1. The backend administrator should have access to change all basic data.
2.2. The Backend Administrator should have access to registrations, changes, delete, activation, deactivation of all member data and other materials displayed on the web described in the FRONT END section.
2.3. Backend administrator has access to statistical data as well as visitor analysis for each publication as well as to each member on the web.
2.4. The backend administrator should contain LOGS where the modified data will be saved, which means for each change in the database has to be saved the first version, the second and the next, the time and date of the change, the IP address, the change made by Name of the member or administrator.
2.5. The backend administrator can create new administrators with certain privileges from the general privilege list, with different statuses.
2.6. The backend administrator for each administrator sets Username, Password, Email, Name, Surname. With the option of deactivating or changing personal data.
2.7. The Login System should be based on the Role System which according to the registered status by the Backend Administrator has access only to those privileges: Registration, Delete, Change etc.
2.8. Page Roles should only allow access to those data and not to other data such as Statistics, Requests, or information of the Backend Administrator with a Super Admin role.
2.9. Backend Administrator creates Category / Activity of Companies, State, City, Location.
2.10. The backend administrator has access to placing ads in different positions and creating time until the same can be active.
2.11. Backend administrator accepts new membership requests, which may approve or refuse. In case of approval the account / member profile becomes active and the applicant’s information is recorded on a particular company database.
2.12. The backend administrator accepts all the specific and technical requests, the possible problems for the web functioning that will need to be analyzed and sent to various administrator departments for request resolution.
2.13. The Backend Administrator contains general statistics for each module and member, number of visitors, publications, most visited categories, and other useful data for analysis or for the development and correction of different parts.
2.14. Backend administrator has access to member activity information and system ID number.
2.15. Backend administrator can create Reports: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, for some Months, Annual, which are exported to PDF, EXCEL or SQL file formats.
2.16. Backend administrator can post events defined with content such as Photo, Description, Hour, Date, Location, Organizer, Detailed Description, and Other Useful Data. Date and time of publication, name of the publisher.
2.17. The Backend Administrator creates a Voting System – a new polling system where it should appear on the First Page and in various publications selected by the active pages themselves, as well as being saved in separate archives and databases. The same can become active or inactive. Can generate and export file reports in PDF or Excel formats. Create Reports from statistical formulas by displaying them in the form of% (percentage) and number of inquiries.
2.18. The Backend administrator can send different announcements to registered members or send News Letter with Photo Information, Title, Description, and File-Download Option.
3.1. Access to the User Admin Panel will only have members of ECNWM upon confirmation of the member’s request electronically or manually. The member accepts the user name and password in an email from ECNWM and after identifying in the system, if there is a lack of member information, it appears a submit form to fill all mandatory fields required of the Member; they are: Logo, Company Name, Phone, Mobile, E-mail, Address, City, State, Tax Number, Bank Account and Bank.
3.2. My Profile Module – In this module access have only registered members after system identification, where they can post the history of the company in 3 languages, photo gallery, Certificates as well as their products, which have access to add or delete information.
3.3. My Account Module – In this module access have only registered members after system identification, where members in this module can change email, username and password.
3.4. My Inbox Module – In this module access have only registered members after system identification, where members of this module receive messages from system visitors and read them. Also in this module they have the option to return messages directly from the system with the Reply option.
3.5. Search module: To search for companies based on the appearance of companies if minimum 3 characters are filled, suggestions for companies of the first 3 characters.
3.6. Categories of Companies: It is preferred to be designed with highlighted icons and colors where each category will be linked to the relevant pages where the members listed in that category (activity) will appear.
3.7. Offer Module (CRUD): In this section will appear the offers published by the member itself after system identification with data such as Photo, Description in 3 languages, Title in 3 languages and Date, which can be deleted and changed by the member itself. In this module the member has the option SHTO where it can make a new registration.
3.8. Request Module (CRUD): In this section will appear the requests published by the member itself after system identification with data such as Photo, Description i 3 languages, Title in 3 languages and Dates, which can be deleted and changed by the member himself. In this module the member has the option SHTO where it can make a new registration.
3.9. Featured Companies Module: The list of companies with the logo and featured icon appears if the company has requester for marketing by selecting the offers that will enable and deliver the project.
3.10. Event Module (CRUD): In this section, only the page administrator will have the opportunity to publish Events and contents such as Photos, Description in 3 Languages, Hours, Date, Place in 3 Languages and Organizer. There should be a “click for more” option where a new page will open to show all the details. In this module the member has the option SHTO where it can make a new registration.
3.11. Module Announcement: Module administered by the administrator where different publications and content will be displayed such as: Photo, Title in 3 languages, Description in 3 languages and “click for more” option where will be opened a new page to show all details.
4.1. Android & IOS Applicaton: All the modules mentioned in Front-End Point 1, have to be reorganized and programmed for mobile applications.
4.2. Apps must have icon and unique design not copied or previously used, contain the same color, logo, font and icon as the web application.
4.3. Applications must be available for free download and free use in the visitor’s role.
4.4. Be eligible by the Google Play Store and the IOS APP Store.
4.5. Be a standalone application rather than combined with other apps used by APP and Play Store accounts.
4.6. Ensure sustainability and continuous update in cases where the application does not contain the necessary conditions for versions of mobile operating systems.
4.7. Direct access to the web from Mobile Browser should be responsive and the same as the Mobile Application.
4.8. The Backend system can send unlimited notifications to application users, with standard text content and links.
4.9. To have feedback and contact module.
5.1. Designed according to the latest standards.
5.2. Be original and not copied or purchased from another company.
5.3. During the work phases prepare UI / UX presentation before deciding on the model and design of the site and applications.
5.4. The logo and site design are part of the project and the same should be the responsibility of the chosen company